If you’re needing locally targeted traffic right away, then check this out… Your home inspection website is absolutely worthless if no local and targeted traffic is coming to it. When home-buyers or home sellers come looking for a home inspector in your town, your website needs to show up.

Take a look at the examples below (these results did not happen by accident). Two of my clients are ranked in the top 5 spots (Ken Compton is #1 and David & Bonnie are hovering in the #4 position)…

This didn’t happen by accident AND I’m going to show you how to setup your website to help ensure a top ranking too!

Here’s More Proof… This was no FREAK Accident Buddy!

I can show you more proof if you’d like to see. AND TAKE NOTE — THESE RESULTS ARE FROM SOME OF THE MOST COMPETITIVE HOME INSPECTION MARKETS IN THE U.S.. This isn’t small town Orange Park Florida… This is Nashville and Atlanta!

None of that search engine stuff was an accident… There are a few strategies and techniques I use to get my clients websites to the top of the search engines… TheĀ  following training modules listed below will show you how to show up when locals start searching for “Home Inspectors”!

SEO for Home Inspectors Article Marketing for Home Inspectors Building Backlinks
Pay Per Click for Google Pay Per Click for YAHOO BING Pay Per Click

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